Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30th, 2008

The last two days have been good. I'm having a hard time with the pain meds they have me on. My body has been given more drugs in the last two weeks than I've had my entire life. I'm told my body will get used to it and it won't be so bad in the coming days. I take this medication at 9am and 9pm. The only problem is it totally spaces me out...that is if I don't just fall asleep on you. lol Deron and I were having a great conversation on the way to the chiropractors office yesterday and that medicine kicked in...I looked over at him and apologized for having no clue what we've been talking about. I'll forget mid sentence what I'm saying. We laugh about it but it has been pretty frustrating. I expected to come home and be able to somewhat get back to normal...go for walks, take the kids to school...little things. I've been too drugged out of my mind to accomplish those little things. I'm counting on my body getting used to this stuff so I can feel a bit more like normal. The only thing accomplished outside the house yesterday was our chiropractor's appointment. It was great seeing them. They are the neatest couple ever and best chiropractor ever.

Today has started out good. I've been able to eat...we all know how much I love food. I rested for a while earlier...once my pain meds put me to sleep. I got a normal person (lol) and went to see Brea play at Millennium at 4pm. I've missed all her other games so far and they have done awesome this season. She didn't have the playing time today because she had to miss practice yesterday. When she was in...she did awesome. I'm home right now resting and we will all head back to see Deanna play tonight at 6pm. This will be the most activity I've had in 2 weeks. It feels great. And to all you worry-warts...Yes...I'm wearing my mask!

We've had to cancel my appointment tomorrow at Mayo clinic because it sounds like our insurance company is not willing to pay for my chemo treatments "outpatient". That is a bummer but I know we will find another great Oncology team. We've already started treatment so we know what our standard of care will be over the next few months. We'll just need to find the place to administer the chemo. Don't we all love insurance companies!!!! I'll keep you posted on our next location. Sweet dreams to you all. Keep sending the prayers! I love prayers!

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