Friday, December 11, 2009

Temporary Home

To help make it through my long days sitting behind a desk, I listen to Pandora. It's a website that allows 40 hours of free listening to any variety of music. It's a great way to tone out the BS going on around me...

Anywho...I was typing a report after several bothersome phone calls from a crazy victim I don't care for when this song came on. It's incredible. It made me stop mid-sentence...the entire song is amazing, but the last verse reminded me of Kim. Maybe when she decided it was okay to move on...maybe it's because she saw God's face & just knew everything would be okay. Maybe she understood the entire plan and knew when it was our turn, we'd get to join her...maybe in those last moments all the reasons we don't understand were all so clear for her to leave this place.

Although we each hurt, we should all live the life we were meant to live. Nothing should interfere with the plan in store for each of us. We each have so much potential and we each have so much to accomplish before it's our turn to leave. Whether it's spending an extra few minutes in bed before rushing out to greet the world...or doing the laundry...or curing cancer...or just simply loving each other unconditionally. We are each so strong, talented and needed in this order to prepare ourselves and each other for where we are going.

Listen to this song by Carrie's powerful.

Love to all,


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